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Expert: Fight against school bullying a long battle

發(fā)布時間:2017-03-09  來源:中國日報網(wǎng)





  Paying attention to educating parents 家長教育應(yīng)受到重視

  School bullying has been frequently reported in China in recent years and the age of abusers has become younger. Professor Zhou suggested that it is because there is lack of awareness in families, schools and society. Only when all three organs are educated school violence will drop. 近年來,校園暴力事件報道頻現(xiàn)媒體,且呈現(xiàn)低齡化趨勢。周洪宇教授認(rèn)為,這種現(xiàn)象的產(chǎn)生是家庭教育、學(xué)校教育和社會教育的共同缺失造成的,需要結(jié)合這三方面,共同解決校園暴力問題。

  "Parents are responsible for teaching their children respect, empathy and right and wrong, which means raising awareness of parents should be taken seriously." “家長有責(zé)任讓孩子有一種生命意識,要尊重自己的生命,也要尊重他人的生命。如果家長沒有法制意識,如何教育孩子,所以對家長的教育也要重視起來?!?/p>

  Asked about the recent public proposal floated by the Ministry of public Security to lower the detention age to 14, Professor Zhou said this will not solve the problem. He said instead political measures such as establishing educational regulations should be accelerated. 在這之前,公安部已于2月15日面向社會公開征求意見——將行政拘留的執(zhí)行年齡從16周歲降低至14周歲。對此,周洪宇教授認(rèn)為,降低拘留執(zhí)行年齡并不是根本的解決方案,根絕校園暴力應(yīng)通過政治措施,如加快相關(guān)教育法規(guī)制定等。

  Eliminating bullying is a protracted war 根絕校園暴力是一場持久戰(zhàn)

  Although Professor Zhou said school violence can come down through efforts by family, school and social education, he admitted that bullying cannot be eliminated totally even if the three parts of the society take better measures. 不過,周洪宇教授也表示,不能奢望學(xué)校、家庭和社會教育均完善后便能夠完全根絕中國的校園暴力問題。

  "Bullying is a worldwide issue and is even more serious in some developed countries such as Japan and the US." Professor Zhou said, "Children in these countries have different backgrounds and environment from Chinese students, which means there are some common elements that trigger school violence." “校園欺凌是世界性的問題,發(fā)達(dá)國家包括日本和美國的校園欺凌問題都很突出?!彼f,“他們的背景和環(huán)境與我們不完全一樣,但也出現(xiàn)這樣的現(xiàn)象。那說明校園暴力現(xiàn)象的背后,有中國自身的問題,也有世界各國共同存在的因素?!?/p>

  Professor Zhou encouraged people to view bullying from different perspectives to better understand the problem, "only through which can we discover the real reason of bullying and solve it from the root." 周洪宇教授倡導(dǎo)從不同角度對問題進(jìn)行更加全面的了解,“只有這樣才能發(fā)現(xiàn)問題的真正原因,才能治本?!?/p>

  "We have to be ready for a protracted war on this issue," Professor Zhou added. “在這一問題上,要做好打持久戰(zhàn)的思想準(zhǔn)備,”他總結(jié)道。

  Establishing and improving internet education regulations 建立健全互聯(lián)網(wǎng)教育法律法規(guī)

  Internet education has been popular in China since the "Internet +" idea was put forward. 自 “互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”的概念提出,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+教育就在中國流行起來。

  Professor Zhou said internet education has become a hot issue which brings both benefits and dangers at a time when schools and enterprises are largely promoting it. 周洪宇教授認(rèn)為,學(xué)校和企業(yè)都在大力推動,而互聯(lián)網(wǎng)教育已經(jīng)成為中國教育中非常突出的問題,既給中國教育帶來好處,也有弊端。

作者:     責(zé)任編輯:劉曉斯